A Peaceful Drive

In days past people used to talk about going out for a relaxing drive. While that might be just an outdated past time that was the privilege of those who had time to do such a thing, it does still have gravity in todays busy world.
Consider relaxing on every drive. When you commute to work or school, on the way to and from the store, or when you are driving for business...why not practice relaxing.
Most of us seek distraction when we drive...putting music on the radio, talking on the phone, listening to podcasts, etc. While these are all good uses of our time, they do not help us to become more serene, compassionate beings.
Enter mindful driving.
Developing a mindful driving practice has a myriad of benefits both personal and communal. It helps us become more centered, alert, and compassionate drivers. It reduces or eliminates the tendency to become emotionally agitated at other drivers and therefore staves of road rage.
It can also help us to become more serene and compassionate individuals as we carry our practice out of the car and into the world. It is easy to get started.
All you need to do is to set your intention to practice, relax your body and mind, bring your attention into the now, and drive. When you notice your body tensing up in any part of your limbs or neck, just let it go and refocus. When you notice your mind going off into thought, just gently bring it back to focus on the present moment around you as you drive.
There is of course a lot more to it than that. If you would like to learn to develop a practice, you can find out how in "Learning to Drive Into the Now: PRND". I encourage you to explore and find out how a practice can deepen your driving experience and help you to become a more serene, compassionate person as well.
Why not use your time behind the wheel to your benefit? You can do it! All you need is a little practice.