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Seattle Times Article

Great shout out from heart & soul: Motivation Monday

Constantly reminding ourselves to keep it pushing and work harder can be tough on us both physically and mentally. There are constant ups and downs, roadblocks, unplanned obstacles, and plenty of setbacks that all contribute to one thing – stress.
Stress cannot be avoided, although I’m sure we’d all give anything to. Letting it all build up can eventually lead to a meltdown so it’s most important we keep a clear mind.
Entrepreneur.com wrote a few ways to help us rid our minds of stress and remain focused on crushing our goals and we couldn’t be more motivated:
1. Talk to a friend.
Discussing our problems and collaborating on solutions can clear up any situation and help us realize things aren’t as bad as we think they are. Having someone in your corner allows us to feel relieved we have someone to rely on and provide us that extra confidence to handle any situation.
2. Read (or listen to) a great book.
This will help alleviate the mind and allow us to get away – without actually getting away. Read or listen to a book that interests your curiosity, gain insight, advice, and a peace of mind. One of our new favorites is Solan McClean’s “Learning to Drive Into the Now: PRND” available at https://www.solanmcclean.com/.
3. Exercise.
Hit the gym hard. Go for a long run. Go punch for punch in the boxing ring. Hit some golf balls or take some swings in the batting cage. Sweat the stress out. Take a break from the office, your cell phone, and blow off a little steam.
4. Take some time to meditate.
Remove yourself from everything going on and focus only on breathing. This truly has amazing benefits and will eliminate stress showing you to think clearly and see the bigger picture.
Find more helpful ways to eliminate stress by reading the rest of the article here: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247426
Work on keeping a clear mind, as a clear mind is both healthy and productive.
Read the blog post here: http://www.heartandsoulpr.com/blog/2018/6/11/motivation-monday-clearing-our-minds
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Smashwords Interview of Solan McClean

What's the story behind your latest book?
I had been trying to put together a convenient and sustainable present moment awareness meditation practice but I was always so busy, so it was difficult to find the time to sit and meditate. At the same time I was also hearing a lot of people talking about road rage and their negative experiences when driving. I began to develop a meditation practice on my commute to and from work and it was working quite well for me. It was something I definitely had time for several times a day. It Worked! I felt I needed to share this practice and hopefully help others who were in the same situation.
What do you hope your reader takes away from your work?
I hope that my readers will be able to develop their own driving meditation practice and better their connection with their higher self. If my readers can live a better life, even by a few percentage points then I have achieved my goal.
Who are your influences?
My influences come from many varied sources. The Buddha, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, Tolle, but mostly just average individuals who I hear sharing their own experiences and truth.
When did you first start writing?
I first started writing at the age of 8. I was enamored with authors such as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. I decided at a very young age that I would love to eventually become an author. it took a long time...but here I am.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I loved the way he painted a visual picture with words. It made me realize the magic of the printed word.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I had a burning desire to put down in words what I had experienced in the development of my own driving meditation practice so that it might help others. I knew that indie publishing was taking over the old model of Publishing House control and I wanted to get my ideas out there. Independent publishing was a perfect fit.
What is your writing process?
My process is to experience what I am writing about and take voice notes on my phone. I use these as a starting point for my writing. I also listen to what others say about their expereinces. By hearing their truth I can better understand my own.
Describe your desk.
My desk is kind of like my mind. It looks messy to the outside observer, but is compartmentalized so that I can find what I need visually. Every once in awhile I need to clean house and start with a fresh slate.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
My inspiration comes from my need to create on a daily basis. Whether it is painting, writing, video, or photography, I feel an inner drive to create.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I meditate, practice yoga, weight train, raise children, swim, read, watch films, paint, create visual art, and love EDM music.
What are you working on next?
I am working on a follow up book using a different technique to achieve a more serene and connected life. I hope to have it out within a year.