Can You Meditate While Driving? A new book describes a mindful approach to driving and living.
The average American spends 50 minutes a day getting to and from work. If you commute by car, you're probably all too familiar with many...

Give Yourself a Break
With the divisive election, the changing of the seasons, and the coming of the busy holidays it is important that we are mindful of our...

"To begin, begin." ~ William Wordsworth
Beginning a meditation practice can be a daunting task if we let your fears and expectations get in the way. We may think that we need a spe

Driving Meditation
I have always been attracted to meditation. I have had some success with practice when I was single, and before having children. Sitting...

Expectations. We all have them. What do they mean for peace in our personal lives

Mindfulness Mode Podcast
Solan McClean will be the guest on the Mindfulness Mode podcast recording this evening out of Canada with Bruce Langford. The podcast...

Keep Coming Back
Many of us jump into the practice of mindfulness meditation and immediately fall in love with it. We can find freedom anywhere, at...

Pay Attention
When we endeavor to practice mindfulness meditation, we are practicing to train our minds to be focused on the reality of the current...

Chop Wood. Carry Water. Drive Car.
There is an old Zen proverb that reads "Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water." What...

Begin Again
Often when practicing mindfulness meditation we find ourselves falling back into our egoic mind and have to pause, note that we have...